About Flavored Orange!
2007-12-24 08:08
Flavored Orange is powered by Textpattern, Slimbox, and various textpattern plugins. Images were created by me, and thus are copyrighted to Ulanda S. Aung (aka me, aka Lani).
37, female, California. My nickname is Lani, and I’d prefer to be called that over anything else. I’ve graduated from the University of California, Irvine, majoring under Biology, though my minor in Information and Computer Science got me a job. Go figure.
I’m also the artist of Avatar, a comic that I can’t do any good job of explaining, so just check it out for yourself. ;) The person writing the story (and it’s going to be a very epic story), is no other than my boyfriend, Jay. Great man, good writing, exciting partnership. :D more, considering both Jay and I don’t even like 90% of the characters (we didn’t make them). We might do something else soon, once we get back into the swing of things. I know, I had like a year and a half to make up my mind whether to do another comic.
A caveat to this blog and whatever else I do, really: I MEAN ONLY WHAT I WRITE. I’ve got opinions, and sometimes rather bad ones — that means I focus on my feelings and emotions, not realizing that I could be making a blanket statement that could come off as offensive. I’m not trying to be offensive, I’m trying to be analytical about the feelings and emotions, and that’s it.