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Not the Same

2007-04-03 05:01

I remembered something else that I find sort of profound for a girl like me to be able to think up. That probably made no sense, but that's because I think differently.

People try to find other people who compliment their thoughts. People want similarities, because when you think the same way about the future, somehow that future becomes so much clearer. More definite. More defined. Safer.

Sure, opposites can attract, but usually similar minded people get along easier. Whether we're just giving ourselves some ego boost by finding people who say “Yeah, that's the way to go”, or not, we just work better with people who think the same way.

And yet, I think I'd kill the guy who thought the exact same way I did. There's only so much of me that needs to be in the world.

The scary thought now is, he's probably thinking the same way about me. Heh. :shock:


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