Back from Holland!
2007-08-13 02:45
Apparently Holland is a province in the Netherlands and Amsterdam is that province's capital.
Go figure, DG and I were so confused.
It was pretty fun, I guess. The legal cannabis coffeeshops gave me headaches. But the cheese and clogs, and the little villages where people are nice and usually able to enjoy themselves – that was pretty chill.
Everywhere else, where there's rush rush rush to finish stuff, and forget the little things, and forget the little things with a big help from a hallucinogenic rolled up grass and paper and lots of expensive food. Good food, but expensive food.
But in the small villages there was nothing to do. There were pretty canals and all this beautiful flowers and green, but nothing stimulating.
It's so sad being a California girl. Once I realized I can't be satisfied with the simple life, I can't imagine what I'd really need to have.
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