Because facebook is being a pussy
2009-02-04 05:58
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.
1. I tend to get depressed when I’m tired. Unfortunately, I seem to be tired a majority of the time nowadays. Whoops.
2. I have very strange taste in music. You can try looking up Lamb (NOT Lamb of God) to see what I mean. Favorite songs – Transfatty Acid, Gorecki, Cotton Wool, Gabriel (Si Begg’s 5.1 Future Sounds remix)
3. I’d like new music but I’m not interested in anything involving Disney/popular music
4. I’d recommend Palms Out Sounds which is kind of hard dance/hiphop?
5. I read too many webcomics
6. I’ve stopped drawing because I can’t find my inner muse
7. I can draw pretty decently but I’m afraid to talk about it in person (
8. I’m really bad at keeping up with friends
9. I don’t like living with my parents
10. I’ve been feeling sick for the past few MONTHS
11. A few of the nicest things I’ve ever gotten was anything from Sean
12. I love food but have grown tired of the stuff at home.
13. I’m broke! :( But it’s luckily temporary.
14. I love dogs except for the big ones that slobber and make threatening barks at people (I’m looking at you, Magnum)
15. I’m such a geek that I’ve gone Linux distro hopping (lost you there haha)
16. I’d love to work with computers, I just need to know what/how exactly
17. I’m optimistic and cynical, and it’s a pretty good mix.
18. Though I’m starting to think that realism is the best way to go, even though it might be a harder slap to the face than even pessimism!
19. I’d like to adopt kids later on in the future in lieu of the birthing process o_o
20. I’m not sure what’s good for me but I’m grateful that I know what’s bad.
21. I “focus” on people. I’m not very good in group environments, unless group <= 5 peeps.
22. I don’t like being the center of attention, but I might be able to make a couple of jokes and bust a few guts.
23. I really, really don’t like wearing makeup – so I don’t! And possibly won’t, ever, unless I’m at some high class party where I’d need surgery first to fit in o_o
24. I’d like to make more friends but I am too introverted/lone-wolf honestly.
25. I’m pretty open to talking about a lot of taboo things. Bring it up with me and I won’t shy away, since I’ve got strong opinions AND an open mind. Topics include sex, violence, religion, etc, etc.
(26. In fact, I rather enjoy hearing other people’s opinions on things. The last thing I want to be is IGNORANT!)

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