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So Far Away

2007-07-31 06:03

And to think I found that song through a freaking Final Fantasy fanvid. I'm talking about “So Far Away” by Nickelback, obviously. :up:

Ugh, post sugar rush. Sorry.


Ummm. I totally had about 7 hours of physics today. I had mostly ice cream for dinner. And there's just something about today that doesn't seem quite right.

But I'm doing well. I found out 65% in England is about an A-. So above 70 is super cool.

J asked me why I wanted to keep talking to my exes. It's still a good question that I haven't gotten a clear answer to. But I want to see my exes one last time in person to see if I can really be just friends, because they were good people, or to say one last goodbye.

But they've loved me, and I've loved my time with them, for as little or as long as it lasted. And they tried to understand the scared and cautious person that I've been all my life.

Maybe I don't like losing touch with the familiar. Even the familiar I tried to push away.


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